Winter Pressures

No end in sight to NHS winter pressures | NHS Confederation

Nearing towards the end of winter, the National Health Service (NHS) see ‘”No End in Sight for NHS Winter Pressures’

Each year, this predictable strain challenges the resilience of healthcare systems and underscores the need for innovative solutions to alleviate the burden. A recent article from NHS Confederation titled “No End in Sight for NHS Winter Pressures” sheds light on the ongoing challenges faced by the NHS during the winter months.

In the midst of these challenges, CHS Healthcare emerge as crucial partners in supporting the NHS and mitigating the impact of winter pressures. Offering specialised services and dedicated resources that complement the efforts of the NHS, we ensure that patients receive timely and effective care, even in the face of heightened demand.

The article highlights the relentless nature of winter pressures on the NHS, emphasising the need for sustained interventions to address this perennial issue. From overcrowded emergency departments to stretched resources, the strain on the healthcare system is palpable. However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for collaboration, enhancing the resilience of healthcare services.

CHS, a leading provider of healthcare solutions dedicated to supporting the NHS during times of increased demand, has become an integral partner to many NHS Trusts and Local Authorities throughout our 25 years of operation. Through strategic partnerships and a deep understanding of the healthcare landscape, we offer a range of services designed to alleviate pressures and enhance patient care; from advisory services and workforce solutions, through to full care brokerage, discharge case management and even pharmacy and transport

As quoted from the article, ‘over 13,500 beds on average each day last week alone, were filled with patients no longer meeting the criteria to reside in hospital, causing a bottleneck at the discharge stage’. To alleviate the strain on services and address the surge in demand, additional support and dedicated, expert resources are needed.

We strongly believe in the power of partnerships and collaborative efforts;  CHS Healthcare remains at the forefront, ready to collaborate and innovate for the benefit of the communities we serve

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No end in sight to NHS winter pressures | NHS Confederation

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